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Indulge your special someone with our Luxury Blooms Best Selling Carnations with Roses bouquet, featuring a touch of delicate gypsophilia and fragrant Eucalyptus. This exquisite arrangement is the epitome of elegance and sophistication, making it a perfect gift for your loved one.


The vibrant carnations symbolize love and admiration, while the timeless roses convey romance and beauty. The addition of gypsophilia adds a whimsical touch, symbolizing purity and everlasting love. The aromatic Eucalyptus not only enhances the visual appeal but also fills the air with a refreshing scent.


Handcrafted to perfection, this bouquet is a luxurious expression of your feelings and a thoughtful way to show your appreciation. Whether it's a special occasion or just a spontaneous gesture, our Luxury Blooms bouquet is sure to make your special someone feel cherished and adored.

Carnations with Roses

₱5,000.00 Regular Price
₱4,500.00Sale Price
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